Auditions                                                      Application Form      New Member Information

Auditions will continue throughout the year, but if you are interested in joining, please contact us
as soon as possible.
First rehearsal for each year is generally the last Tuesday of January, or the first in February.

We frequently have positions becoming available because of members leaving to have babies, going to work in another
city, taking time off for an extended overseas trip and a host of other reasons.

In the interests of maintaining a balanced choir, successful applicants may be placed on our waiting list rather than
being admitted immediately.

Email [email protected] or telephone (07) 3300 1932 to discuss an audition.

Stress Free Auditions???

Brisbane Concert Choir aims to make the audition process as painless as possible, while still maintaining
a high standard of choral singing.

We normally suggest that you sing in one or two rehearsals before being auditioned. This gives you a
chance to see how the group works, and the opportunity to meet us socially, before deciding whether or not
to audition. You will be given music to sing from for each rehearsal.
This music must be handed back to the
librarian before you leave each night
(until you have successfully auditioned and been accepted into the choir).
We don't usually go beyond two rehearsals before auditioning, as this can create unrealistic expectations of
success at the audition. (The hall is open from approximately 6pm and we begin singing at 6.15pm).


Auditions are normally held on Tuesday nights immediately after rehearsal finishes at 8.45pm.
We hold auditions as and when required, although we prefer to concentrate them at the beginning of each
concert season. But if you have just arrived in Brisbane, can sing and read music, and are looking for a great
choir to sing with then contact us without delay.


St Andrew's Uniting Church Hall (Cnr Creek and Ann Streets, Brisbane). Entrance to the Hall is on Creek Street.

What do I need to prepare?

You can sing any song of your choice for the audition. Choose one with which you are very familiar, so that
you can concentrate on producing the best sound possible, even though you might be feeling a bit nervous.
You may sing from memory or with music. If the song requires an accompaniment, please bring along a copy
for our accompanist to play from.

What else is required at the audition?

In addition to your own choice piece, you will be asked to
sing scales up and down with the piano so that
Debra, our Musical Director, can assess your vocal range, and the timbre of your voice in various parts of your

You will also be asked to
sing notes from within chords played on the piano.

Finally, you will be asked to sight read music of approximately hymn book standard. The piano will
be playing with you
. This is the section of an audition which causes anxiety in most people. Just relax and
have a go. Many existing choir members were not proficient sight readers when they first auditioned. From our
point of view, it is a relatively minor part of the audition. Some people learn best by ear and use the notes as
a reminder. Sight reading is a skill which can be learned by most people. We would much rather take on a
singer with a good voice and poor sight reading ability, compared to one with a poor voice and good sight
reading ability.

How long does it take?

An audition normally takes less 10 to 15 minutes.

When will I find out if I have been accepted?

This varies depending on how many applicants we have at any given time and on a number of other factors.
If we cannot give an immediate answer, we will advise you at the audition of the expected delay before you
will receive a call.

Waiting List

We have a moderate turnover of members from time to time due to work and other commitments,
so there are frequently openings available. If not, we will happily place your name on our waiting list
following a successful audition. We look forward to hearing from you!

Come and share in the joy of making music!

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